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Automatic sand blasting machine emergency troubleshooting method

Any equipment will have emergencies in use, so the use of automatic sand blasting machine is no exception, so in order to ensure the safety of the use of equipment and production efficiency, we need to master the measures to deal with equipment failure, so as to ensure the safety of the use of equipment.

Automatic sand blasting machine is a kind of sand blasting machine, he is also the use of compressed air as power, metal abrasive for the medium. The automatic of automatic sandblasting equipment refers to automatic sandblasting, automatic entry and exit of the workpiece, automatic swing of the spray gun, automatic sorting of abrasive, automatic dust removal, etc. All but the upper and lower parts of the work do not require manual manipulation.

1, generally more prone to failure is the abrasive into the vacuum bag, when this situation occurs, can check whether the opening of the vacuum bag is too large or whether the abrasive is too fine, according to the reason to take measures, such as the use of coarse abrasive or small vacuum bag opening.

2. If there is the phenomenon of abrasive leakage, it is necessary to check whether the vacuuming bag is not hurried. If the abrasive emitted by the automatic sandblasting equipment is not uniform, it is necessary to check whether the abrasive is less, and if the method of increasing abrasive is adopted to eliminate the fault.

In short, in the use of automatic sandblasting machine, in order to better ensure the use and operation of the equipment safety, it is necessary to check and maintain the equipment regularly, to avoid equipment damage, which leads to the decrease in the use efficiency of the equipment or can not be used, so as to reduce the production efficiency. Remember, do not operate blindly, must find a professional operator to repair.


Post time: Jan-07-2023